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Welcome to The Ellery! 

Let's Talk About STATS Baby!

Let's Talk About STATS Baby!

Vejer de la Frontera, Andulsia, Spain

Let’s think back for a minute. How many times since becoming an “adult” have you felt anxious, stressed, and/or close to your breaking point? Expectations include: gunning for that promotion, keeping up with old friends, making new friends, spending time with (or finding) a significant other, keeping a budget, eating real food, exercising, drinking water, and keeping up with pop culture and politics. That’s all while enjoying the best years of your life. It’s exciting, sure, but it’s oftentimes overwhelming and lonely and bound to take its toll after a while. Just like all the other life sustaining skills they didn’t teach us in school (looking at you, taxes), we were never taught how to take care of our whole selves. Result? We’re tired, uninspired, sick, and wondering if there is more to life. There is. But first, let’s talk about STATS baby! Just a few more reasons why it’s important for us darn millennials to learn to take care of our minds, bodies, and souls- before it it’s too late.

  1. We’re Broke- Young adults today are earning 20% less than those in 1989…Surprise! Millennials are, comparatively speaking, broke.  We have less assets, more loans, and most likely still living with our parents.
  2. The World is Ending…Tomorrow- It may seem that way, but we’re actually living in the most peaceful times in our species’ history. Who knew, social media brings the day’s violence and evil and mixes it with our Bachelor updates.   
  3. We Can’t Even- Anxiety in young adults is at an 80 year high. And they wonder we just can’t even.

Being stressed leads to unhealthy behaviors and unhealthy behaviors leads to a whole host of problems that leads to more stress. There are some things we can’t change but there are some things that we can- how we take care of ourselves. When was the last time you quieted your mind and is it a coincidence that many of the world’s most successful people meditate?

That’s where The Ellery comes in. This is your home base for things that we wonder about but never share. Self-care, mental wellness, and healthy relationship tips for that 20 something looking to have it all.  

Take Care

Take Care